Chinese Horoscope for those born under the Year of the Rooster (or Cock as I prefer):
It's a day of multiple chances, so don't spoil it with useless gossiping. You'll have good health if you observe strict life hygiene. Be careful not to catch bronchitis. Get out of your routine and give new impetus to your pending projects. You'll have a hard time with your children. Your love life will know numerous annoyances. You'll ask yourself many anguishing questions, but don't overly dramatize the situation, as things are not as bad as you imagine!
#1. Already participated in gratuitous gossiping several times today.
#2. Didn't take a shower today, brush teeth or comb hair. Have drunk 2 beers already. Had fried food for lunch.
#3. Did laundry the same way I've always done laundry--all day.
#4. La Nina Loca is THE definition for "hard time" in all dictionaries!
#5. Been pawed at all day by significant other. Been interrupting in the middle of pawing all day by La Nina Loca.
#6. Asked myself about 1,000 anguishing questions since 7 a.m.
So, play for play this is how it goes:
It's a day of multiple chances, so don't spoil it with useless gossiping.(Done) You'll have good health if you observe strict life hygiene.(Done) Be careful not to catch bronchitis. (WTF???) Get out of your routine and give new impetus to your pending projects. (Done) You'll have a hard time with your children. (Done) Your love life will know numerous annoyances. (Done)You'll ask yourself many anguishing questions, (Done)but don't overly dramatize the situation, (NOT YET--but the night's not over yet!!!!!!!!!!) as things are not as bad as you imagine! (Haaaaa-like I believe that shit!)
Guess I should read these things earlier in the day . . . . .