I am lost without you. Please come back. I have spent days, hours searching for you. I have spent hours in the innocence of my child and you were not there. I have looked for reasons to be angry, which always summons you to my side, and nothing. No Muse. I have lit candles, soaked in tubs of hot water and still . . . nothing. I have spent hours in a fever and drug induced sleep and nothing . . . still. I have listened to tunes of sorrow, tunes of love, tunes of happiness, and you are no where to be found. I have faced the ugliest parts of myself and my life with eyes wide open and no, you are not there either. I have prayed with heartfelt sincerity for those I know and love, those who make my heart ache, and those in a country devastated by tragedy and still . . . nothing. I have meditated with open minded clarity in search of your touch but you elude me even still. Your absence haunts me. Return soon.
Muse Girl