Halloween is my favorite holiday of all time. Thanksgiving is in a very close second. As a child growing up, we never went to relative's houses for any holidays. It was my immediate family in our modest trailer in our town. The feast was beyond fabulous; my mom can cook! Since those days, I have celebrated this holiday with in-laws (two diff. sets) in beach locations and homes. I hosted my first Thanksgiving at the age of 24 or so. It rocked. My parents and my then bro in law were the only ones in attendance besides my husband (at the time) and my oldest child was about 2 or 3. Memorable. My next most memorable Thanksgiving is sad, but still up there on my list. My last Thanksgiving with my father. I had moved back to town and was divorcing. I cooked Thanksgiving in my small apartment for my parents, my two oldest children, and my boyfriend (current hubby). The table was tiny but the food large! My dad's health was very poor and he took a bad tumble that day. He passed one month later. He loved to celebrate and loved food and loved me. All I could be thankful for in one day!. I've been the hostess of this day for the majority of the years passed. I am not the oldest girl in my family and this tradition seems odd sometimes to others. I love cooking for the people I love. I don't love cleaning up the mess! This year is a dilemma. The big day is only two weeks away and we don't have a real plan. I have so much to be thankful for in my life and I don't want this day to just slip by. The last year has sucked personally for me in so many ways . . . lost my house, my husband, my dog. I've gained my husband again, a group of dear women friends, etc. I sort of want to eat out this year. My heart isn't in the cooking. This on going debate must be solved! I'm listing pros and cons. Feel free to leave comments full of meaningful advice that I may listen to or ignore.
Pros to cooking:
I'm a good cook.
It gives me something to do.
It creates a memory for my daughter.
It will make my husband happy to stay home.
My father in law always comes when I cook.
It gives me an excuse to drink before noon.
It's an excuse NOT to go to in-laws.
Cons to cooking:
It cost $$$$.
It is a big pain in the ass.
Cleaning up is a son of a bitch.
Some of my family gets on my nerves.
Most of my family gets on my nerves.
Hmmmmmm. . . . . . .