The holidays have been sneaking up on me gradually this year. Thanksgiving was everything I had hoped for and then some. It's almost like I forgot about all the ones that come after that. . . Mr. Muse Girl put up and decorated the tree this year. I made absolutely no protests. Not because I'm the best wife on the planet (which I am, btw), but because I just didn't really care about it this year. GASP! A week later, I put out other decorations with a small spark of holiday cheer in my tiny Grinch heart. I put a plan in place a month ago to work my second job to get Christmas $$ this year. Last year at Christmas, Mr. Muse Girl had lost his business, we knew the house was next, and money was almost non existent to purchase anything extra. I wanted to replace Mr. Muse Girl's wedding band that he lost working in the swamps of Mississippi about 6 months afo. After I earned some extra $$, I gave it away to a family member who needed it far more desperately than Mr. Muse Girl's cause. The poor man will always have that invisible ball and chain wrapped tightly around his neck . . . I mean ankle, why does he need a ring too??
So, I began to think of Valentine's Day as the holiday for the ring giving. I wished for Santa. I wished that I could just ask Santa for some help this year. AND then . . . the story takes a small diversion.
I almost NEVER check my mail anymore. It involves getting out of the car, using the key to open the box . . . I mean really, why bother for a bunch of fucking bad news everyday? And those ads. Don't they realize that people live in an apt. FOR A REASON. Anyway. So, two weeks go by, i figure there's an electric bill or something in there. So, I stop and get the mail.
OOOOO score!! The magazine I begrudgingly ordered through Middle Child's fundraiser is here finally. I brought the mail home and sorted between junk for shredding, bills, and cards. One mysterious envelope had my name typed and no return address. I left to run errands assuming that it was a solicitation from someone who was praying on the recently down trodden. When I got home, Mr. said, "I opened your mail." I replied, "Thank God, cuz I wasn't going to."
Then he showed me the mysterious envelope contained:
a $100.00 gift card to Walmart and said "From Santa"
NO KIDDING! At first I was dubious and looked it over thinking something was amiss. Nope, completely legit. The only question remains . . . WHO is my Santa???? I made Mr. take a handwriting test right on the spot. Nope. So, WHO????
I may never find out. But, I am thankful and grateful for this generous, anonymous gift. It will go to provide some goodies for my children and that makes me sooooo happy. I think I may have found my Christmas Spirit. It made me want to do this for someone else in the same way next year. So, yes, Muse Girl Readers, there is a Santa!