Okay, Muse Girl readers, I need your help to solve an argument with the Mr. Of course, I know that I am right, but let's do this just for kicks, shall we? The other night at dinner, middle child is having a discussion with us about something (topic really does escape me). The subject of how long Mr. and I have been married comes up in this conversation. I say that we were married in 04, Mr. says 03. We debate back and forth citing alleged proof. Middle Child, ever helpful, jumps up and says "I'll go check the Marriage thingey you have framed in your room." He comes back laughing and announces that it was indeed 03. So, Mr. is right.
Here's the argument: I say it is no big deal that I forgot. He says if the tables were turned and he forgot, that I would create the holiest of wars to exact my revenge. I say that I would not because does it really matter??? I mean, we are clearly STILL married and 99.9% of that time is happily married. So, who is right? Is it a big deal that I missed it by one year?
Sound off!