Saturday, October 17, 2009

Dare ya!

Dare you to:

Try something new.

Contact an old friend.

Reach out to someone who needs you.

Love as hard as you hate.

Open your mind to a new thought path.

Ask someone to forgive you.

Tell someone how much they REALLY mean to you.

Believe that everything, everything happens for a reason!

Maybe I was wrong . . . .

Walmart Prayer Part II:

Well, only one of the requests from my former Walmart prayer was granted. I purchased a few sale items!!! However, the place was crowded as a mo' fo', I didn't get a good parking place, La Nina cost me 30.00!!!!! (bribery), the workers weren't really nice . . . in short it continues to be the seventh circle of Hell for me. The experience was everything I thought it would be and not in a good way!

Walmart Prayer

Not trying to be blasphemous. I think God has a sense of humor; look around. So, I'm taking some liberties.

Dear God,

Help me please! I have to go out to Walmart to send Mr. some $$$ today. I pray that I'll get a good parking space. I pray that I won't get run over in the parking lot. I pray that not everyone that lives in this city will be there. I pray that La Nina Loca is on her best behavior (which is a loose term in itself). I pray that I won't cuss anyone out in my head or for reals. I pray that I won't see anyone I know because I'm not going to wear makeup or fix my hair. I pray that the WM employees are semi nice to me. I pray that it gets a little warmer outside and could you throw in some sunshine for about an hour? Oh, and I pray that anything I need to buy is on sale.
Please consider my prayer--it comes from the heart.
