Me: Middle Child, meet Mr. and Mrs.
MC: Okay.
Me: Where do you think they're going?
MC: The beach.
Me: What do you think their names are?
La Nina Loca interjects: NO, I named them! I named them!
MC: He looks like a Rob and she looks like a Brenda.
La Nina Loca named them: Ina and Ohcio.
(spewed out his tea)
She's gonna be like Angelina Jolie
Me: What is he going to take pictures of?
MC: Ummm, other women?
Me: What is her fave color?
MC: Probably like a Navy Blue.
MC: Why are you asking me this? Is there a catch to it? I don't get it. Hmph.
Me: What music do they like?
MC: Well, he likes Whitesnake and she likes Enya, I can tell. No, no, she's too Hillbilly. What's that guy you used to listened to who raps? Yeah, Kid Rock.
MC: What do you keep typing?
Me: What do you think is in his bottle?
MC: Bottle of Jack. No, Is that a forty? I can't tell.
Me: What do you think is in her bag?
MC: Oh, it's a bag. I thought it was a turkey. Probably twinkies.
Me: Ooooo, you're bad.
Me: What do you think is in his suitcase?
MC: Porn.
(I spew this time)
Me: Ask them one question.
(me) Not appropriate to write.
Coming soon . . .I interview Mr. and Mrs. about their experiences at Casa de Muse Girl!!!!