Here is my horoscope for March 16th: You've been thinking about it for a while, and you're just about sure this is what you want to do. You're ready to forget your job and abandon your routine. You're done, you're over it and you've had it with trying to pretend otherwise. But before you do anything rash, shouldn't you at least talk to an elder who's been there before? Someone who can give you the benefit of experience? Yes, you should.
My interpretation: I should quit my job and move to the coast!!! I've just been waiting for a sign. AND HERE IT IS. Now, I have to convince Mr. Muse Girl, trick middle child into coming with me and leaving his great life behind. Okay, well, that was Plan A to be done and quit pretending.
Plan B: Compromise. Show up at work, but I won't pretend to be happy with any of it!!!!!!!!!!! Suck it, job, suck it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!