Thursday, August 27, 2009
Feelin Mean

Monday, August 24, 2009
Last Train to Crazyville

Sunday, August 23, 2009
Bloggus Interruptus

Friday, August 21, 2009
Great Expectations

Voltaire (1694 - 1778)
I expect A LOT of my significant other. Quite honestly, my marriage is probably the ONLY place in my life that I seek or expect the highest level of focus and achievement on both parties involved. My life's calling should demand that I hold my students to the highest expectations and while I admit that I try, I must admit that I teeter on a tight rope between what I know they can do and what they really WILL do. Character flaw--whatever. My s.o., however, rarely gets any breaks in that area. I expect unfailing devotion, undivided attention, unwavering loyalty, and an unalterable passion. He must complete all manyly tasks without an utterance of question, in a timely fashion, and with perfection. I define what "manyly" tasks are btw. They encompass everything from driving to taking out the trash. Mind-reading and reading between the lines are necessary to meet my expectations. Did I forget pampering, massaging, and anticipating my chocolate and alcohol needs? He must discipline the children, tend laundry, make beds--be one hell of a multi-tasking m'fucker! Agility and speed are also necessary. He must be able to dodge moving objects and race to solve problems. Stamina. This is a must--a man with fortitude who knows how to "hunker down and pray for daylight." I am one demanding, high-maintenance, driven diva and thank you Lord that I have a mate who can keep up!!!!!!!! Mr., you rock at being my man!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
WTF? Mr. Computer Voice

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
'Nuff Said

Main Entry:
aid, assist
abet, advance, agree, back up, band, be in cahoots, befriend, chip in, coadjute, coincide, collaborate, combine, comply with, concert, concur, conduce, conspire, contribute, coordinate, espouse, forward, further, go along with, help, join forces, join in, league*, lend a hand, participate, partner, pitch in, play ball, pool resources, pull together, second, share in, show willingness, side with, stick together, succor, take part, unite, uphold, work side by side, work together
Monday, August 10, 2009
Free the Sweaty Ta-ta's!

Sunday, August 9, 2009
She's Been a BAD BAD girl!
Friday, August 7, 2009
Lap Dance!

Anyway--remember my horoscope for today??? Could this be the "adventure"? Apparently, I am feeling adventurous. Did I mention I was STONE COLD SOBER when I made this offer? I seem to remember some words floating around from this week about "highest integrity" and "high ethical standards." I will manipulate this to mean that I will do a GREAT job. I will do my homework and prepare. Might blog about the outcome. Might not. Stay tuned to find out . . .
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Year of the Cock

Okay, dirty gutter minds! I was born in the Year of the Rooster (or cock if you want a giggle) for the purposes of Chinese astrology. I was checking my horoscope for tomorrow b/c the energy feels w-e-i-r-d to me and around me. Now, I tend to be EXTRA paranoid when PMSing and so, I never know if it's the cosmos at work or just me being super CRAZY in the head. When I find myself in that mood, I consult the stars. Tonight I did just that. Didn't like what the cosmos had in store for the Bull, sooooo I moved to the cock. Always find what I want at the cock. Above is my horoscope for tomorrow. Far more exciting than ditching friends that I'm done with (real horoscope crap). I'm curious about the "wild ride." Don't have my significant other around, so that rules out the connotation of "wild ride." Adventure and Complication??? That's my life every mfin day folks. Every day. Tune it tomorrow to find out if there was indeed a "wild ride" that presented "Adventure or Complication"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Shut up, Shut up, Shut up!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Metaphorical Thoughts at Bedtime

Re-born, Phoenix, and other words meaning NEW BLOG!