So, this post BEGAN as an informative and expository note about a tribe in Indonesia called the Kombai. The men wear cones on their penises--they are shaped into a perpetual erection and the larger the cone, the higher the male's status within the tribe. No shit, really. There are pics out there, documentaries on Discovery Channel and what not. Anyway--because I have been interrupted 150,789,330 times by la nina loca that post has gone to hell in a handbasket and now Mr or Mrs Reader, you are stuck with this crap. It's hard to think when you're being forced to play "mama" to the plastic baby AND real mama to la nina loca all at the same time. I also had to play doctor or something like it. All I know is that my living room is a hot mess, my blog post went to hell, and now it's the gd bedtime. Why, why can't I be the mom who lies on the couch drinkin booze, smokin some cigs (Marlboro Reds), watchin Springer and yellin at my kids to "go the fuck to bed before I smack the shit out of you"??????? No, I have to be the Barney watchin, 100% Juice drinkin, m'fuckin soccer mom. (with a mouth like a sailor--give me a fuckin break-it's one of my only vices!) So, there will be no scholarly report on a nomadic and sometimes cannibalistic culture acrosst the ocean. Just this crazy shit.
i prefer "this shit" myself. men in penis cones? give me an f'in break!!! i'll take la nina loca stories/complaints any day of the week-so keep typing-but could you bring me a juice pouch, too-pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeze?