Karen Walker once said on an episode of Will and Grace that she was "thankful for a pharmacologist who is dumb as a box of hair." Here's to her pharmacologist and mine!
Been with out some very important meds for a week (no it's not my crazy pills-for those who know me--plenty of antidepressants in the cabinet)--these meds can literally be a life or death situation (eventually). Anyway, my doctor has proved to be useless in refilling this VERY important prescription in MY timely manner. I guess it's not his fault that I waited until I ran out to call??? Really, his nerve! So, out of desperation I'm calling Pharmacist to ask if he's gotten word from my doc that I can have the pills. No call. I whymper into the phone. He delightfully and without any reproach tells me that I may have a few days worth on the house!!!! WHAT? FREE pills! Oh, mama, it's a dream. I was there in 12 minutes. Swear, 12. So, Pharmie, I love ya! This one's for you!
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