I learned to Texas Two Step once as training to be a youth minister at my church. Those who know me will find that little fact shocking. My three months in that position were quite shocking. Anyway, that's been A LONG, LONG time ago and I've been DYING to learn how again! DYING. I want nothing more in the world than to learn and then take my s.o., Mr. Muse Girl to a country joint and two step until I can't move!!! Several problems with this dream--#1. Don't know how. #2. S.O. not around a lot. #3. S.O. will NOT dance. #4. Not even tap his feet to a beat. #5. S.O. plus ME plus a drinking establishment = a WHOLE lot of trouble.
We've been to ONE bar in our eight year relationship. This is how it went: I'm drinkin like a mother fucker. We're with another couple. We're playing pool, listening to bad music, and having fun. S.O. doesn't drink, FYI. We're in a small, crappy little bar. The music is really bad. Anyway, S.O. is just a boyfriend at this point. He goes to the bathroom. I'm a jealous little cat. I see a cute little waitress enter the bathroom after him. That's all this closet redneck, jerry watchin', trailer trash, girl needed. I was headed for the bathroom with my empty beer bottle--gonna crack SOMEONE over the head. Him or the waitress who followed him in. I knew it was a secret assignation--knew it. Couple stopped me. He came out (sober, btw). I'm ALL worked up. Act the fool. He leaves my silly ass at that bar right then and there. Told me later when I caught up with him that he doesn't do all that. I needed to sober up, grow up, and act like the lady he feel in love with. I did. We never attended a bar together or separate again. HOWEVER, I am DYING to two step with my S.O. Soooooooooo, those of you who think we should give this date a try need to leave a comment. If we get 10 comments or more in favor of this date, I WILL bargain with all I've got--to make it happen. I promise a blog and maybe pics or a video of the event!!!
Mr Muse Girl needs to get out his dancin' boots and get ready to swing his partner round and round! Everybody needs a 2nd chance to dos-e-do!!!
ReplyDeleteYou guys should go together and take dance lessons at a country bar.... maybe call the ones in Nashville and see what day/time they give "free" lessons! I'm sure you can use some wifey "magic" to make it happen!!!!! Have fun and we DEFINITELY need to see pics!!!!
ReplyDeleteSet some ground rules, promise to stick with them and then BEG, BORROW, or STEAL to make him go! YES, you should be dancin yeah (a la Bee Gee's)!
ReplyDeleteOk I can see the point that you would like to go dancing with your S.O.
ReplyDeleteBut it sounds as though you may not be able to control your self in a bar scene with your S.O.
Maybe your s.o. does not want to be in the sit. to where they may have to leave you there alone again.
Do a little dance...