Monday, November 23, 2009


Well, guys, I've decided that I'm retiring from the blogging biz. I wanted to blog for a long time before I started. I had a private blog for awhile and encouraged others to start. I made mine public and have really enjoyed the experience. Surprisingly, one of my biggest "fans" has been Mr. Muse Girl. He loves checking in on my blogs. It has brought us closer. My man child even became a reader after I interviewed him about the "figurrs." I have decided that I would love for my faithful readers to leave one last comment telling me their fave post of all from Muse Girl's Thoughts. I'll leave the blog up until after Thanksgiving and may post again until the weekend when I retire it all for good. Honestly, it's just an outlet for nervous creative energy that had no where to go. It was a way to fill empty time that is no longer really empty. I don't want to lose my title, so I'll leave the last post on Muse Girl's Thoughts to keep it on hold in case I ever come out of retirement. So, please, if you read my blog-even if you don't "follow" officially, leave an anonymous comment on your fave blog post!


  1. gonna really miss you, muse girl-seriously. will probably be depressed for a while, too. you've been my steady blogging comrade and going solo is gonna be a little lonely. but i understand... all good things must come to an end. that's what makes good things so precious and meaningful.

    so without further ado: i love that poignant poem to/about man-child; love the posting about your convo with la nina while washing dishes about boys, friends, and what-not;love, love, love the two postings about calling, being on hold with the mother f*ckers who were laughing in the copy room and that you were an important mother with birthday parties to go to. hilarious!!! the foul language was PRICELESS and IMPRESSIVE! gosh! i really could go on...

    love ya, muse girl. thanks for the inspiration and the memories.

  2. I'm really going to miss the witty, wonderful, fabulously foul-mouthed escape that reading your blog provided me. I LOVE all of the interviews with the figurrs. They are all equally priceless.

  3. Dead even tie for "Lap Dance" and "Bloggus Interuptus." Laughed out loud and made snorting noises while doing so. Love ya Muse Girl!

  4. I loved EVERY interview that you did with your kids. The questions and answers were both priceless---La Nina dressing herself made me laugh out loud more than once!!! I also LOVED the two steppin post---brought back many buried memories.

    I will definitely miss your insight and humor!!! Please reconsider... :o)

  5. I'll miss the realism of you parenting your children with humor and a wicked gleam in your eye. I love that you see them as they are because it makes your love for them even more precious.
