I find myself in a thankful mood this evening. Despite my sailor's mouth, I am really spiritual and say my prayers daily. I pray for family, strangers, friends, and even enemies. Saying thanks for all kinds of things tonight and not meaning any blaspheme or disrespect in anyway.
I am thankful for:
1. my bathrobe and warm socks.
2. the smiles and warm laughter of my friends.
3. the strong capable hands of Mr. Muse Girl who hugs, works, cleans, and disciplines!
4. belly laughs and silly words from La Nina.
5. the tasty ice-cold Heineken waiting for me in the fridge.
6. the absence of a few pests who are serving time in other locations.
7. big boy children who smile and call their mama.
8. a sense of humor that allows me to laugh at the more fucked up aspects of life.
9. the upstairs neighbors aren't making a lot of racket tonight.
10. ten minutes with Mr. Muse Girl!!!!!!
Some of us will more appreciative of life with a pumpkin spice latte. Just sayin' . . .