Gosh, got a mean streak comin like a mother fucker. It was provoked btw. I play nice. UNTIL you fuck with me or mine. Sooooooo, have had a lot of fun recently plotting against a particularly irritating prick in my side. Did I say prick? I guess I meant bitch. Did I say bitch? I guess I meant crick. Anywhoo. Every been backstabbed? Ever felt like you were "All in This Together" (High School Musical Song)? Only to find out all but ONE? Or maybe TWO? There are those who cannot think or speak for themselves after all and blindly follow where no man should ever go and how two ever did is a freakin' MIRACLE! I'm bringin it. It is slow to come but will indeed come.
Dictionary.com says:
–verb (used with object), -stabbed, -stab⋅bing.
to attempt to discredit (a person) by underhanded means, as innuendo, accusation, or the like
–verb (used with object), -stabbed, -stab⋅bing.
to attempt to discredit (a person) by underhanded means, as innuendo, accusation, or the like
Urban dictionary says:
Pretending to stick up for you at work and later you find out they've been talking trash about you. (In fact, saying the exact opposite). Striking you down from behind.
Jon told me that he stuck up for me. But he actually voted to get me fired and he knew in advance it was going to happen. He backstabs.
I say:
Watch your back.
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