Okay, I admit that while blogging, I have a mouth like a sailor. You might be surprised to find that I pray faithfully twice a day. Once in the a.m. and once in the p.m. The strangest thing happened last night while I was saying my night time prayers! First a disclaimer: it was after midnight, I was being inched out of my bedspace by la nina, Mr. Muse Girl was snoring up a storm and I had taken some Benadryl to help me sleep. Anyway--so, I'm saying my prayers outloud in my head and suddenly I slip into a British accent for like four words. I stop and giggle a little. I ask for forgiveness and continue. I slip BACK into the British accent AGAIN. Now, I cannot affect a British accent while fully awake and aloud at ALL. I suck it up pretty badly when I try. However, I tell you that I was flawless. I cut my prayers short with a quick AMEN and continued by listing in my head the things that I would accomplish today, but with a British accent. Not a Jane Seymour, Julie Andrews accent but a Jane Leeves from Frasier type thing. Very blue collar, very cockney. I couldn't stop!!! Finally, I exhausted this folly and fell into a sleep. I cannot even begin to re-create this inner dialogue for you and feel silly even trying BUT I'm gonna! I'll just list a few of the items on my agenda for today. You must picture a Bridget Jones, Daphne Crane etc. type accent for this:
1. Right, so I'll pop to the exercise room for a bit of walking.
2. Next, I'll grab a bite to eat then.
3. Going to take the little one to the shops. Hope he doesn't bugger it up.
4. If there's time, I'll color me hair before returning from holiday.
5. Oh, a bit of wash is in order as well. Not a spot of clean laundry to be had!
Oh, Bugger me!!! This was Fun!!!!
I've always wanted to say "bugger off" to students cause I don't think they'd get it.
ReplyDeletelots of giggles on this one!!! i love the adjective "soddin'"-as in wait a soddin' minute! -or- don't be such a soddin' idiot! ...now that's a REALLY bad one!!!
ReplyDeleteThat's my Popett!