According to the universe, there will be some unpredictablility in the next 24 hours. It has to do with planet alignment and shit. All I know is that I had to bite my tongue all mother fuckin day. ALL day. It could be Mercury; it could be my Menstrual, but whatever it is . . . Super Fuck.
Here are all the things I would've said (may not be in chronological order):
Upon waking: Mother Fucker, I have an early meeting. I cannot stand to look at _______ or _________. I have lost all respect for them.
While sitting in said meeting: Are you fucking kidding me? I can't believe I'm sitting her listening to this. Nut up and Shut up. You are a puppet. A pink, pink puppet.
Upon looking at my 1st group of responsibility: Take you outside? Fuck you. How bout you pull up your gd pants. Get out a fucking pencil. Shut your fuckin mouth. Learn something fucktard.
Upon looking at my 2nd group of responsibility: Really? Really. You think I'm gonna sit here doin nothing with you for a whole fuckin hour?? Really? Dumb asses.
Upon looking at my 3rd group of responsibility: What an asshole. Why? Why? Fuckin baby sitter. I'm a fuckin babysitter. Later during that hour: do you really think asshole is going to come back to here tomorrow and NOT be a total fucktard? He was one today, yesterday, the day before. Your balls are smaller than an infants. Do something already.
Blacked out negative thoughts for the last two hours of the work day. Absolutely can't keep up.
After work, on the phone with a relative: Really? I have to deal with this after I've worked all mother fuckin day? Seriously. Can't you just suck it up and deal?? Super Fuckkkkkkk.
Two hours ago upon entering my residence: Why the fuck is this place such a wreck? I'm tired. Tired. Tired. Don't wanna pick this shit up or put it back in its gd place. Don't want to fuckin cook dinner. Ugggggghhhhhhhhh.
I never realized we think so similarly all day and night!!!! Love you girl!!!!