Mr. Muse Girl and I spent a few nights with an instructional video this weekend and are setting our sites on our Two Steppin night out! We practiced and laughed and practiced and made out and practiced and laughed some more! Mr. Muse Girl is quite the perfectionest and is very goal oriented. He loves a challenge! He was so Patrick Swayze (R.I.P.) in Dirty Dancing. I was alternating steps with swigs on my Heineken. Mr. Muse Girl, who is no drinker, was sober THE WHOLE TIME. I would get serious when I felt some time out or punishment coming my way. It was really a blast though. I'm gonna need a whole lot more practice or I will make a fool of myself and him when we take our act public. Throw out some names of some cool country western dance/bars in the Nashville area. I haven't been to one in a long, long, long, long, long time!!!!!! The less well known and flashier the better. If you read about Mr. and Mrs. Muse Girl in the bar before, you'll understand that I don't need to be in an environment that will encourage my inner ASS KICKER. Something old and laid back. I did make a promise to Mr. Muse Girl, God, and my readers that I would behave . . . . . .
Sounds like the practice sessions might be as much fun as the night out.