I can't help but giggle a little crazy giggle when I think of what poor Mr. & Mrs. BB have gotten themselves into!!! They thought they were winning a new home and instead they got one of the circles of hell reserved to curious and active young la nina loca's! She immediately zeroed in on MY ga-prize! After seeing every item--I was LUCKY--she saw her own ga-prize within the winning treat. After donning her new "puwhse" complete with "lips" and cool frog princess socks, she FOUND Mr. and Mrs. BB. It was love at first sight! She's got a thing for the fi-gurrs, ya know. I kept putting off her desire to touch and play with the couple. They were new to our house, after all. At bedtime, I put them on my nightstand and conducted the interview below with La Nina Loca considering our new residents. Afterwards, she played a make believe story with them in my bed that was rival to the Brothers Grimm adventures. PS-today when we entered the door, the FIRST thing she did was go to retrieve Mr and Mrs and the pic above shows where they ended up. Since that time they have witnessed a 45 minute all out louder than God himself tantrum. I'm talkin one for the record books. So, they are probably PISSED that they are in this new home where chaos apparently reigns! I will interview THEM in the next few days to see how they are feeling about their new digs!
Interview with La Nina Loca regarding Mr. and Mrs. Blither Blather figurrs: 9/28/09
Q. Where do you think they're going?
A. Swimming Pool!
Q. What do you think their names are?
Female: Ena (In-a) and Ochio (oooocheeeoooo)
Me: Ooookaaay. Whatever.
Q. What is he going to take pics of with his camera?
A. A giraffe
Me: at the swimming pool????
A. yeah.
Side comment from nina: "I think Daddy and me are going to play with them."
Me in my head: "No fucking way."
Q: What is her fave color?
A: Pink
Q: What music do they like?
A: Scooby Doo Music
Me in my head: Ooookaaay.
Side comment from nina: "is that a girl?"
Me: laugh!
Her: I think they're gonna marry and go swimmin!
Q. What is in his bottle?
A. Pennies
Q. What's he going to do with his peenies?
A. Look at them. Check on them.
Q. What do you think is in her bag?
A. Phone, perfume, makeup, her eyebrow ting.
Q. What do you think is in his suitcase?
A. Clothes, socks, phone
Side comment from nina: Can I play with them?
Me: Like what?
Her: The mom and dad, yah, funny looking, like statues!
Q. One last thing, do you have a question you want to ask them?
A. giggle, Chicken Butt!!! (followed by hysterical laughter)
Me: head shake and WTF????????
Welcome to the Jungle Mr. and Mrs.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mr & Mrs Muse Girl are lovin it!!! They haven't seen this much action since 1979. ....da eyebrow ting...hilarious!!! la nina loca is just fab. who needs barbies anyway?!?!
ReplyDeleteI am now even more envious of Mr. and Mrs. BB. Not only are they TOTALLY comfortable with themselves, they are also adored by la Nina. What more could you ask for?