Sunday, October 11, 2009


Made it to the grocery--finally. It was all I had imagined. Everyone in town was there. The children chattered on while I was trying to think and make decisions. There were several bottlenecks on tight aisles and several misses with the huge fucking cart that la nina loca insists I drive around. I was wound so tightly through the experience that I would have ended up in China if I was released. I kept getting shocked every time I picked up an item. It hurt so badly that I finally said out loud "FFFFUUUUCCCKKK." Of course the small boy and his daddy in their church clothes appreciated that one. At the check out, la nina loca through a huge fit over holding her chocolate milk. It was of such a proportion that as we're leaving I'm telling her loudly that the manager standing by the door is going to put her in Publix Jail. This is one I only use when I'm desperate. It didn't work. She carried on ALL THE WAY TO THE CAR. When we arrive, I realize that we've just stolen a package of cookies that were under her coat in the cart. I have gone back in stores before to pay for a $1 item. I think it's important to show your kids how to keep that moral compass going. However, I confess amongst her screaming the thought of returning inside and writing a check for a package of 3.00 cookies (Mr. lost the check card) didn't seem like a good idea. Sooooo, I gave them a big speech about taking things without paying, put them in the trunk, and closed it. I promise to pay next time I go.

1 comment:

  1. I think grocery stores should pay moms that have to do the shopping with kids in tow. Consider the cookies a ga - prize!
